Tag Archives: Holidays

Spotlight: Thanksgiving

13 Nov

Need decor inspiration? Look here and be amazed.

Seasonally scented finger paints. Perfect way to spend family time after enjoying a scrumptious feast!

Adorable bite sized pumpkin pies.

Free Thanksgiving/Fall decoration kit. Just download and take on a flash drive to your local printing store of choice!

A wreath that has the potential of carrying you through Autumn, the holiday season and into the new year!

It’s All Perspective

4 Apr

Yesterday found me on the couch most of the day, rubbing Ella’s back as she threw up. Poor baby girl was sick most of the day. It didn’t really sink in for me until late last night that this meant we wouldn’t be going to church this morning. Easter morning. The most important day for Christianity. Bigger than Christmas because without Easter, Christmas would just be a (approximate) birthday party for some kid born 2000 years ago.

And then it hit me. Going to church and celebrating with other believers is important but it isn’t the end all be all. I can celebrate the resurrection and thank Christ for his sacrifice here at home with my babies. Ella and I can sing Easter hymns while we wash dishes, I can tell her why we celebrate Easter for our nap time story, and we can make resurrection rolls as our after nap snack (provided she hasn’t been sick today).

Easter isn’t just about church, family gatherings, and all the other trappings. Those things are all wonderful and make great memories, but Basil C. Hume said it the best:

“The great gift of Easter is hope – Christian hope which makes us have that confidence in God, in his ultimate triumph, and in his goodness and love, which nothing can shake.”

My children and I can celebrate that hope and confidence in God without all the traditional events. Today will be what I can make of it and I plan on making it a good day.

As Promised

3 Apr






Be sure to check out the rest of the pictures!


2 Apr

Today we are celebrating Easter since Aaron is working on Sunday. This morning, Ella and I will make cutout cookies using the cookie cutters from her Easter basket. Then after nap, the kids will get all dolled up in their amazing Easter outfits Nana knit them. Then Grandma and Grandpa P. are coming over for a little egg hunt and cookie decorating party! It should be fabulous fun. I will be sure to take a million and a half pictures and have an epic picture post tomorrow.

We will also be starting a new tradition by making Resurrection Rolls to use as a visual object lesson about why we celebrate Easter. I remember helping decorate an empty tomb cake every year with the family friends we celebrated Easter with growing up. Does your family have any Easter traditions?

In Their New Pajamas

24 Dec

Merry Christmas Poloroid

Happy Thanksgiving!

26 Nov

When I get back to the land of computer access (when we return to Western Washington on Friday), I’m sure I’ll have a list a mile long of all the wonderful things I’m thankful for and a holiday recap.

Until then, I thought my vegetarian and vegan friends would appreciate this video.

So exhausted

26 May

This past holiday weekend was simply exhausting for me. Emotionally and physically. I have forgotten how easily tired I get in the 3rd trimester and completely over did it. Aaron and I had a weekend long conversation about a huge life change and we don’t have any resolution yet. Add in the mix weather and allergy related headaches and you’ve got one exhausted woman.

So instead of actually posting, I’ll leave you with some cute pictures of Ella and Aaron washing cars this weekend. Click on them to enlarge. 🙂

Happy Mother’s Day!

10 May

Anita Renfroe spoke at our church this morning. I laughed, cried, was touched, and encouraged.

While this isn’t Anita singing, it is her song. She performed this for us this morning and had everyone rolling on the floor with laughter. I preferred this video to the actual one of Anita because it included the lyrics.

I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. 🙂