Tag Archives: Unemployment

A Title Escapes Me

11 Jan

This morning felt like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting. Or a Hallmark commercial. Or maybe a Lifetime movie. Pick whichever comparison suits you the best. I simply choose to say it was awesome and made my day.

Today was Aaron’s first day back at work after being laid off for two months! The first day was held at corporate headquarters, where it is expected that everyone wear formal business attire. This morning I stood in my pajamas, with children squawking and running around me, while I straightened Aaron’s tie and fixed his collar. It was a rather surreal and, shall I say, grown up moment.

Everything went smoothly for him. Checked off boxes, signed papers, listened to company policy. Surprisingly, things went smoothly for us at home as well! I wrangled both kids in the FREEZING cold and snow to the chiropractor, all three of us took a two hour nap and Ella even ate her lunch! So far, so good. I’m hoping and praying that our painless adjustment continues.

As a kid side note ~ Poor Miles has his first cold of the season. The little man has a horrible stuffy nose, juicy productive cough, and struggles to sleep unless he’s in a raised position. Which means I don’t get much sleep, but such is the story of a mother. The bitter cold exacerbates his cough, so my goal is to keep us housebound tomorrow and Wednesday. We’ll see how long that lasts before we all go too stir crazy.

edited to add: Things like this encourage me so much! I appreciate each and every prayer offered for us during this crazy time of adjustment. We have two weeks of wonky training schedules then we switch over to his “normal” shift of 5am-5:30pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I’m taking over the weekend Sexton duties, so it’s a double adjustment for everyone. My friend Corey ran a HUGE marathon and included my prayer request for “painless adjustment” to her prayer shawl. Can you find it?


4 Dec

Aaron was offered a job with his DREAM COMPANY today!!!!!!!!!! I can not even BEGIN to express my emotions right now. I’m thrilled, so proud of him, overwhelmed, feeling blessed and so many other indescribable emotions.

I feel like this is light at the end of the tunnel. This is an international company that offers endless opportunities to better yourself, work up the company ladder, move anywhere in the world that they are based, and on and on. This is a career job, something he can retire from. He starts in January. The shift will take some getting use to — it’s 5am to 5pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday. He’ll work 36 hours, but get paid for 40. I’ll have to take over the Sunday sexton duties but THAT’S OKAY.

Aaron is OVER THE MOON with with excitement. I’m so so so proud of him.

The Sign Says It All

17 Nov

breastfeeding is free

Since Aaron is out of work, I am even more thankful we breastfeed. Putting the emotional bond and perfect food design aside, I simply can not fathom paying $27.00 a can for formula at least twice a week. Not to mention Miles has digestive issues and I’ve had to modify my diet to remove all dairy. Can you imagine the amount of money that would go down the drain trying out all different sorts of formulas until we found one that worked for him?

Battening The Hatches

5 Nov

Aaron was laid off yesterday.

We’ve known for about a week that this was coming. During that time, I was okay. Now that it’s a reality? Not so much. I’m struggling to find words to express my emotions at this time. I have a constant headache, I’m worried and trying to figure out what more exactly we can cut back.

It’s so hard to remember that God has promised us to always keep us with clothes, shelter, and food. It’s so hard to just let go and let God. I’m fighting the phrase “God helps those who help themselves”. The struggle to find a balance with letting God do his thing and I doing what needs to be done is quite a battle. Sometimes it’s a moment by moment fight.

We are blessed with an amazing community of friends and acquaintances. I shared our situation with them and Aaron’s idea to work as a handy man to bring a cash flow into our home to supplement unemployment. So far, Aaron is really busy and working hard! He’s has odd jobs all through this week and part of next. Between his jobs for friends, unemployment and our savings, should be okay until Aaron can land a job.

It’s just a matter of aligning my mind’s knowledge and my heart’s fears. I hope this happens soon.