Tag Archives: NaBloPoMo

If I Were President

4 Nov


If I were President? I would mandate one of these seats to be put in every bathroom stall in America. I can’t even being to count how many times I’ve attempted to balance a toddler on the toilet while trying to keep a baby from licking the condensation off the toilet bowl.

In this case, McDonald’s is most certainly leading the pack.

Amazing Goodwill Find

2 Nov

I meandered through Goodwill today, not really looking for any furniture. Suddenly, this beauty stopped me.

My Goodwill Find

Everything is solid and no upholstery to hide bedbugs.

My Goodwill Find

Just a bit of sanding, spray paint, fabric and cushion. All of which I have.

My Goodwill Find

I even have the perfect place for it!

And you really can’t beat that price.

That’s A Wrap

30 Nov

It feels good to have accomplished something. I’ve successfully completed the NaBloPoMo (posting to the blog every day for the month of November). As I neared the end of the month and began to prepare to travel for the holidays, I felt like my blogging began to lag and I resorted to more picture posts to accomplish my daily post. There was SO much I wanted to write about and topics to cover but it just didn’t happen. Oh well. There’s always next year.

I’ll be taking a brief hiatus until we return from Seattle. The kids and I will be flying home on the 10th, so I should be getting back into the swing of things on the 11th. I hope. Depends on how wiped out I am!

A Post A Day

1 Nov

This should be interesting…

In the past, I have attempted NaNoWriMo. This is where people from all over the globe attempt to write 50,000 words towards their personal novel. I’ve never come close to meeting that goal and have generally felt rather discouraged by the end of the month. This year, I don’t want to face another failure. I need something that I know I can accomplish. Seeing something through to the end and enjoying the process is something I need in my life. Most often, the things I enjoy get put aside (like knitting) in favor of completing things I’d rather leave for another day (like laundry).

So this year, I’m attempting NaBloPoMo aka National Blog Posting month. My goal is to post something every day, even if it’s just a picture. Of course, the goal is to not just post pictures but to work on writing skills, etc.

Of course, considering that I’m finally able to post this at 9:40pm on November 1st while anxiously watching the baby monitor to judge just how long I can let Ella fuss until I need to go in and help her back to sleep doesn’t bode well for the remainder of the month.

Neither does the fact that was a horrible run on sentence.