Tag Archives: Project 101 in 1001

Summer Wardrobe

13 May

I can hardly contain my excitement! I’ve been collecting super cute vintage sheet sets from our little local second hand shop, The Church Mouse. They are going to be refashioned into darling 20 minute skirts. Once the baby gets up from his nap, I’m going to dash over to the fabric store to pick up some elastic and then my goal is to whip up a couple before dinner!

To make things even better, we got gift cards to Target as a thank you for participating in a food allergy study when we went up to Chicago last week. With those, I got some cute tshirts and cardigans to compliment my skirts. They’ll carry me through this spring and summer then transition nicely into the fall with jeans and pants.

Once I get these skirts done, I’ll be able to cross off another item off my Project 101 in 1001 — make 50% of my summer wardrobe!

Pictures to come soon, I hope.

Wordless Wednesday

17 Mar

Nose Piercing!

I realize this entire blog has been rather wordless here lately. I spent last week in Upstate New York without internet or cell phone and now I’m trying to get back into the groove of blogging. I’m hoping to have some time to get things written here soon. I have so many things swirling in my head that MUST get out but there seems to be no time.

Help A Girl Out?

26 Jan

Hey everyone!

Would you be so kind as to help me accomplish #088 on my Project 101 in 1001? I’d love to have a picture of you. Or if you’re not comfortable with that (since this IS the internet), would you send me a picture of something that you identify with, aspire to be, or find beautiful?

My email is musical.girl at gmail.com If you could put in the subject “Project 101 Pictures”, I’d appreciate it. If you want to have it resized already to be a 4×6, that’d be AWESOME but don’t worry about it. If resizing would keep you from sending something to me, FORGET ALL ABOUT RESIZING.

Please? Pretty Please? With sugar on top?

Pay It Forward

25 Jan

Today, I decided I needed to fortify myself with some good ol’ Starbucks and a blueberry muffin before dealing with my annoying urologist. As I pulled into the drive through, I saw another woman pull in behind me. She was probably in her 60s, with amazing white hair cut into a fabulous bob and rather fantastic looking clothes. She looked so calm, confident, and kind. I decided that I would fulfill another one of my Project 101 in 1001 items and pick up the tab for her coffee.

I asked the barista to pass along a message to the woman behind me and ask her to please pay it forward someday. Hopefully she will. After I got my receipt, I took a glance and did a double take. She had ordered exactly the same thing as I. A grande decaf brew with soy and 2 sugars and a blueberry muffin.

Obviously, it was meant to be.

Just some conversation

22 Jan

Things have been really hectic around here. Next week, Aaron is working Monday through Wednesday (5-3:30), has Thursday off, and then works 12 hour shifts Friday through Sunday.

I’ve been really enjoying my mental game of planning my sewing room, colors, organization, etc. This past week, I scored an awesome old medicine cabinet for FREE. All it needs is a fresh coat of paint and it will be perfect. I’ve also been obsessing about this amazing chair at Goodwill that has been there for a MONTH. Aaron has promised me that once we have a full paycheck under out belts from the new job and it’s still there, we can get it. I’m praying it is!

Another thing I’ve been plotting for my new craft room is how to store little things (like buttons) without it looking boring AND doesn’t require me buying anything new. So far, I think I’ve come up with some good ideas. I’m thinking of taking small peanut butter jars and replacing the wrapper with some cute scrapbooking paper. Also doing the same thing with International Coffee containers. Have you stumbled across any inspirational pictures or blog posts about frugal storage? Would you share them with me?

Tomorrow, I’m going with a friend to my local yarn shop to get supplies to make The Tempest. Beth is going to hold my hand while I decide what color I want and if I should do stripes or not. She’s so awesome! I’m really excited about this. It’s one of my Project 101 in 1001 goals and I really want to be successful at it!

Speaking of Project 101 in 1001, I have a few updates:

I successfully Skyped with Mom on Thursday. Ella had a blast and is constantly asking to “talk to Nana on puter!”

Susan came over today and gave me a hand held potato masher because she saw it on my goal list (096). Evidently someone aside from my family and Kathy read my blog!

I have officially failed at something (already!!). I gave Project: 365 (item 025 on the list) a go and it just didn’t take off. *sigh* I couldn’t figure out how to get pictures off my camera phone for a couple days and then few days went by without me realizing I didn’t take pictures. I guess it just isn’t meant to be, eh? By default, this means that item 026 (scrapbook of Project: 365 pictures) isn’t going to happen either.

But something I was fantastically successful at was going on an (almost!) childfree date with Aaron this month! We went to go see the new Sherlock Holmes movie and it was pretty good. What was even better than the movie was spending quality time with my hubby. Still on the hunt for a regular care provider, but I’m fairly certain I’ve almost got that worked out! Next month, we’re going to go to Olive Garden. mmmm YUM.

Long Term Resolutions

1 Jan

I’m not a big fan of New Year resolutions. I feel like I’m setting myself up for failure and generally quit by March. This year, I decided to try something different. I decided to make a list of 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days. Some things are BIG. Some things are small. Some are frivolous and others are intensely personal to me. I feel motivated and encouraged already because I have a few things in progress and it’s only the end of day one! So far, I have started editing my flickr account, started Project 365, worked in my Mandela book, and sent a few emails. Yay!

Tomorrow during nap time, I’m going to add things to my Google calendar as reminders so I don’t forget things or get caught unaware. I’m so excited!

Speaking of being excited, Miles just about died laughing every time Ella walked by today. It really made my day and I manged to get a video of it. Listen and tell me if it doesn’t sound like someone put a quarter in his giggle box!