Tag Archives: Blessings

Giggling Babywearing

4 Apr

A happy video to start your manic Monday.

Much love!

Five Years Today

6 Jan

5 years

She pulls into the driveway and parks just behind his car. Grabbing the small gift bag on the passenger seat, she makes a dash through the back door and down the stairs to the basement. With a shiver, her coat goes up on the hook and she quickly curls up on the couch next to the young man who lives in the apartment.

“Here. This is for you.” She states, thrusting the bag into his lap.

He opens it, a bit confused as they had previous agreed to not exchange gifts on such a “Hallmark Holiday”. Inside is a small children’s book, which she quickly snatches from his hands and says excitedly, “I’ll read this to you!”

The short story unfolds with two characters guessing how much the other loves them. It’s an obviously simple child’s tale, but the sentiment is clear. When the story ends, she looks at him with a warm smile and says, “I love you.”

He stares into her eyes for a lingering moment, takes her hand into his and says with such warmth, “Dallas Ann, it would mean everything to me if I would be able to wake up every morning next to you, roll over and tell you how much I love you. Will you please marry me?”

A heartbeat passes, then two. The time didn’t pass because she was trying to make up her mind, but because tears of happiness blocked her words.

Soon enough, a choked “Of course!” makes its way out and to this day, neither one can top the other with how much they love each other.

Privileged Life

5 Jun

Farmer's Market Bounty

The kids and I hit up the waterfront Farmer’s Market this morning. Despite the drizzly weather, we enjoyed ourselves throughly and came home with quite the bounty! As I was washing and storing our found treasures, I was struck with how incredibly privileged we are. Privileged to be able to afford the gas to drive downtown, to have not have to work on Saturdays, to have the extra cash to buy fresh and local produce and products.

I was tempted to pout over not being able to get everything I wanted because of our limited budget. Instead, I’m so thankful that we were able to sit down and enjoy fresh tomato sandwiches on bread from a small local bakery. We are very privileged and blessed, indeed.

25 Again

11 May

I hope you all will forgive me while I brag on my husband for a moment. Today is his birthday and I thought I’d take a moment to share different things I love about him.


I couldn’t have asked for a better man to be my husband or daddy for my babies. The look of happiness and joy on his face while he interacted with our daughter confirms that for me.


Even though he hates mornings, he cooks me breakfast without fail every day he doesn’t work.


He’s strong enough to carry both kids.


And strong enough to hold a hand.


He genuinely likes spending time with my family


And is an amazing support when we add to our’s.


He drives me everywhere just because I hate driving.

multi tasking

His multi tasking skills are legendary.


As are his date night planning skills.

Babywearing, tidying Daddy

He LOVES to clean and tidy up and does it with style, too.

Daddy Time

Even after working hard all day, he still has the energy to get down on the floor and play.

Daddy's Arms

And will take time out of his day to snuggle.


Nighttime parenting is a skill he has mastered.


And he has the magic touch with babies during church services.

Really, I could go on and on. He’s a pretty awesome guy and I am truly fortunate that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me.

Happy birthday, dear. I hope this year is even better than the last.



4 Mar

I made it through February. Thank God. Even though it is the shortest month of the year, it just dragged on and on. The dreary cold weather was being to weigh heavily on me and all the old yucky snow in piles along the road made me want to cry.

Then March arrived.

The snow is almost gone from our yard. The sun is shining. I took the kids to the zoo today without a coat! We all had such a wonderful time, I just might take us out again tomorrow. It feels like life is starting to run through my veins again. I never realized how much the lack of agreeable weather was affecting me. Being overcast doesn’t bother me — it’s the bitter cold and slush that prohibits me from getting outside.

I’m beginning to feel more like myself. A smile plays at my lips all day now and I laugh often. Patience is easier to find. Joy is everywhere. Grapefruit tastes like sunshine instead of making me dream of vacation. I’m shedding layers of clothes and reaching for cheerful colors to wear.

Spring is coming.

Another thank you

21 Dec

Really feeling blessed over here on two fronts.

First of all, a big heartfelt thank you to someone who sent me an art pad in the mail. How did you know that was the exact one I pointed out to Aaron last week? I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. I’ve been using it and the oil pastels regularly and feel such a sense of calm after. Thank you!

And a big Thank You to God who finagled things so I didn’t have to have kidney stone removal surgery. I passed a HUGE kidney stone without trouble — without realizing it, actually! The doctor was rather shocked that I passed it on my own — he was convinced I’d have to have surgery to remove it. All I need to do now is collect urine for 24 hours (yes, just what you needed to read on a Monday night) to determine exactly WHY I have more kidney stones any old man should have, let alone a 20 something woman. I have something like seven stones left, which I am praying don’t shift to block urine (which is what causes kidney stone attacks). THAT is a kind of pain I NEVER EVER wish to experience AGAIN.

So yes. A great big huge THANK YOU to be shouted out to the universe and God.

Thank you

16 Dec

You know who you are. Thank you. Yesterday evening, Aaron brought in a box for me from the front porch. One of the folks who reads my blog AND has my address ordered me a set of oil pastels.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I have no idea who you are but I hope you are blessed tenfold in return.

On Prayer

15 Dec

Recently, I asked a friend for prayer for a specific thing in my life. Instead of giving me the typical, “Of course I will!” response, she quietly prayed for me right then and there. Nothing flamboyant. Nothing that sent me running to the dictionary. The prayer was very simple. “Lord, please give Dallas Ann peace and the grace to handle this. Amen”.  I felt overwhelming thankfulness for my friend’s willingness to go out of her comfort zone and minister to me in this way.

It has encouraged me to do the same thing. When friends ask me for prayer, I’m going to ask if I can right then and there. Why put it off and risk forgetting? I’ve been guilty of that before. There’s no need to put off what I could do immediately and risk missing the opportunity to bless others how I have been.


4 Dec

Aaron was offered a job with his DREAM COMPANY today!!!!!!!!!! I can not even BEGIN to express my emotions right now. I’m thrilled, so proud of him, overwhelmed, feeling blessed and so many other indescribable emotions.

I feel like this is light at the end of the tunnel. This is an international company that offers endless opportunities to better yourself, work up the company ladder, move anywhere in the world that they are based, and on and on. This is a career job, something he can retire from. He starts in January. The shift will take some getting use to — it’s 5am to 5pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday. He’ll work 36 hours, but get paid for 40. I’ll have to take over the Sunday sexton duties but THAT’S OKAY.

Aaron is OVER THE MOON with with excitement. I’m so so so proud of him.

So Good To Me

21 Nov

I felt this was a very “post worthy” event and I wanted to share it with the world. So you get two posts tonight instead of my standard single as is required by NaBloPoMo.

In the past, I’ve mentioned Aaron’s amazing daddy duty skills and his phenomenal super secret date planning abilities. This morning topped all of those, though.

I woke up to him coming in at 7:00am to make sure I would be ready to leave when I had originally planned. He didn’t come empty handed, though. He placed next to me a steaming plate of freshly scrambled eggs and the slipped quietly out to continue to entertain the toddler in the living room. This allowed me to eat and manage to slowly become human after a rough night with the baby boy.

He’s so good to me!