Archive | November, 2009

That’s A Wrap

30 Nov

It feels good to have accomplished something. I’ve successfully completed the NaBloPoMo (posting to the blog every day for the month of November). As I neared the end of the month and began to prepare to travel for the holidays, I felt like my blogging began to lag and I resorted to more picture posts to accomplish my daily post. There was SO much I wanted to write about and topics to cover but it just didn’t happen. Oh well. There’s always next year.

I’ll be taking a brief hiatus until we return from Seattle. The kids and I will be flying home on the 10th, so I should be getting back into the swing of things on the 11th. I hope. Depends on how wiped out I am!


29 Nov

The kids tag teamed me last night and I’m toast. Aaron is Ella’s full time night time parent and I usually only have to deal with Miles. Not so much for the next 10 or so night since Aaron left for Illinois yesterday. Hope I get the hang of it soon and I’m SO thankful Aaron does this as a general rule.


28 Nov

Aaron left today to head back to Illinois. He has a job interview on Tuesday and we’re praying that he’ll land the job. Would you all pray for him and think of him on Tuesday? This is with the company that he really wants to work for and it would be such an encouragement for him to be hired on with them.

Right now, Ella is sitting in Nana’s lap, Miles is staring at his toes on the floor next to me and Aunt Savannah (my almost 11 yr. old sister) is reading over my shoulder. It’s a rather cozy feeling to have three generation in one room, interacting and enjoy each others company. My grandma will be flying up from California on the sixth and be spending a few days with us here at Mom’s house. I am *really* looking forward to seeing her.

Before we left to come out and visit, our trip seemed like such a long length of time to be away from home. Now that we’re into it, it feels like time is flying by. Before I know it, the kids and I will be waiting to board our flight back to Chicago. I’m definitely going to miss everyone here, especially the cozy family feeling.

Stuck For An Idea?

28 Nov

For those of you struggling to figure out gift ideas, maybe these will spark an idea.

Here are suggestions for every day in November. The cootie catch book made me chuckle.

Awesome recrafted gifts that anyone can do.

Don’t forget Fido.

Don’t cook but want to give food? No worries!

If you don’t know what to get me, feel free to order this.

This would never be turned down, either.

Ideas for the little ones to participate in giving.

And if all else fails, talk to the wizard.

Black Friday

27 Nov

Happy Black Friday, ya’ll! I hope all you crazies enjoyed waiting in line and forging crowds while I was still snug as a bug in a rug with my babies.

If I had a gajillion dollars at my disposal, these are some things that I would get!

So I need a new winter coat. This scarf and hat would go lovely, don’t you think?

This entire outfit is simply amazing.

Anything from this list is perfect, thanks.

I want to base my next kitchen around these colors.

This dress? Beautiful blend between sophistication and comfort. Perfection.

I did a little happy dance when I ran across these.

One of everything shipped overnight to my folks, please. Minus these ugly shoes. It’d be so much easier than packing.

OMG. I must have this chair. No, it is an actual NEED.

Oh aprons. How could I pick just one? It’s impossible. I love you all! Every single one.

Happy Thanksgiving!

26 Nov

When I get back to the land of computer access (when we return to Western Washington on Friday), I’m sure I’ll have a list a mile long of all the wonderful things I’m thankful for and a holiday recap.

Until then, I thought my vegetarian and vegan friends would appreciate this video.

Wordless Wednesday

25 Nov

Inlaws with the kids

Ella loves Grandma and Pawpaw (Aaron’s folks) so much. I’m so thankful we’re able to spend some time with my family so she can develop a relationship with Nana and Grandpa (My folks).

Wiggle Your Nose!

24 Nov

We’re leaving my family’s house today and trekking to my Aunt and Uncle’s place in Eastern Washington to spend Thanksgiving with them. I’m hoping we survive the 3 hour drive (one way) with our collective sanity in one piece as Miles has not yet made friends with his car seat.

So to start our day out with a smile, we’ll wiggle our nose like a waaaaaabit.

Heading Out

23 Nov

We’re all going to Seattle, Washington to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with my side of the family. My parents were gracious enough to fly all four of us out for the week of Thanksgiving. Aaron will be returning the Saturday after the holiday and the kids and I will be flying back the second week of December. THAT will be an adventure — flying with two children by myself. woohoo

The last time my family saw Ella, she looked like this:

Not impressed with the rain
My solemn eight month old

Now she’s my spunky 2 yr old girl:


And they haven’t even met Miles yet!

While I’m sure the travel will be something nightmares are made of (3 hour trip to the airport then hours in the airplane), it’ll be worth it.


Just as an FYI, Mrs. Soup is babysitting my blog while I’m without internet this week. We’re spending the week of Thanksgiving with extended family in Eastern Washington and I’m not counting on having internet access out there.

Headless Chicken

22 Nov

That is what I feel like right now. A headless chicken running hither and thither until it collapses. At least I’m an organized chicken, right? I have four separate lists of things needing to be packed for each person.

And oh my goodness is there a lot of stuff. Packing for a three week trip for two littles AND myself is a little crazy. Trying to fit it all into one carryon and one suitcase is a lot crazy.

I’m really hoping that Miles learns to love his carseat tomorrow during the three hour drive to the airport and that Ella can sit peacefully for five hours on the plane. I know, that’s crazy talk. But a girl can hope, right?