My Fiber Problem

22 May

I promise this won’t be a post filled with too much information about bodily functions. I’m referring to another type of fiber, the kind you use to create things!

When I was pregnant with Ella, I never really got an urge to nest. I think this time around is trying to make up for that with double the force!

Side view. Buttons will go on this ear flap for the strap to attach.

Side view. Buttons will go on this ear flap for the strap to attach.

For Christmas last year, my mom gifted me a certificate to the local yarn shop. I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t actually use it until a few weeks ago! I didn’t want to waste my money on yarn for a project that I wouldn’t have time to complete in a relatively prompt manner. There is already a project in my closet that I pull out only during times that I have a solid hour or two to commit to focusing on it. Considering that I have a toddler and another one on the way, that silk lace shawl sees the light of day maybe 4 times a year.

Since I’m feeling the urge to nest, I got yarn for three different projects for Miles. With my mom’s generosity, I even had enough left over to splurge a bit on some luscious yarn for myself to make a completely frivolous scarf! I surprised myself and even got the 2 hats finished within a week’s time (his bringing home from the hospital hat and a winter hat. It’s the first one on the left) and am now plugging away at a sweater in a coordinating variegated yarn to go with his winter hat.

I like how the yarn is knitting up for his sweater.

I like how the yarn is knitting up for his sweater.

Ella has been watching me, fascinated, while I knit and purl. She loves to pet the yarn and it is a huge struggle for her to not dig into my knitting bag and pull out unused needles to play with. I think, after I finish this sweater and the scarf for myself, I’m going to start in on a pea coat with a matching beret for her. She’s been super excited, talking about mama making hats for “Mys” and I think it would thrill her to no end to have something made for her. An aquantance of mine gave me a stack of probably 30 vintage knitting and crochet magazines and patterns. In them, I’ve found the most adorable things to put on Ella (that’s where  found the coat pattern)!

And yes, you don’t even have to ask. I’m on Ravelry as candiedginger. My queue is up to 3 pages with the most random and eclectic things mixed in with items I will actually use my rare quiet time to knit.

Before I close, I have another confession to make. I’m attempting to plan on attending (without my toddler!) the Midwest Fiber and Folk Art Fair this July while hugely pregnant. I recognize that I have a problem but am unwilling to do anything about it. 😀

One Response to “My Fiber Problem”

  1. mrssoup May 22, 2009 at 10:22 am #

    I am still so in love with that hat! Cannot WAIT to see the finished product!

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